In recent years, Colorado has led the way in reforming its drug possession crimes and penalties. While many states have yet to legalize or even decriminalize the personal use or possession of marijuana, Colorado allows residents who are 21 or older to lawfully possess up to two ounces of marijuana for recreational purposes. Moreover, the state recently passed Proposition 122, which allows “individuals aged 21 and older to use five specific types of natural psychedelic substances.” Though the five substances listed in this measure (psilocybin, psilocin, ibogaine, mescaline, and dimethyltryptamine) are still considered Schedule I controlled substances under federal law, the passing of Proposition 122 decriminalized these five substances in Colorado state law. For those who possess up to four grams of other controlled substances like narcotics (i.e., methamphetamine, cocaine, ecstasy, or heroin), this offense is now considered a misdemeanor rather than a felony.
Although many of Colorado’s drug possession laws have shifted away from punitive (like jail time) and more toward rehabilitative (such as mandatory drug counseling instead of a jail sentence), it’s important to recognize that other drug crimes, including drug trafficking, continue to carry significant penalties. If you are facing drug trafficking charges in Colorado Springs, you need reliable and effective criminal defense attorney services as soon as possible to ensure that your legal rights remain upheld at every opportunity. Drug trafficking crimes may be prosecuted at the state or federal level, so it’s essential to work with a highly qualified and experienced criminal defense lawyer who will advocate for your best interests. Let’s take a closer look at how drug trafficking charges typically unfold and some of the best legal defense strategies you and your attorney can use to keep your future as bright as possible.
What is a Drug Trafficking Charge in Colorado Springs?
First, it’s helpful to understand what the term “drug trafficking” means. While many states have specific drug trafficking statutes in their state laws, Colorado’s drug crimes statute does not refer to drug trafficking by using this term. Instead, Colorado Revised Statute 18-18-405 states, “it is unlawful for any person knowingly to manufacture, dispense, sell, or distribute, or to possess with intent to manufacture, dispense, sell, or distribute, a controlled substance.” In other words, drug trafficking charges may apply to situations in which the defendant is discovered with a large quantity of narcotics in their possession, as this suggests that they intend to transport, sell, or distribute the narcotics for profit. Essentially, it’s up to the arresting officer and prosecutors to examine the specifics of the scene to determine the nature of the charge. For example, they will consider the quantity of drugs in your possession, whether there is drug paraphernalia (i.e., small scales, multiple baggies, etc.) on your person or in the vicinity of your location, whether there is a substantial amount of cash on your person at the time of your arrest and the nature of the communications found on your electronic devices. No matter what the unique details of your case may be, it’s best to contact a trusted and experienced Colorado Springs criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to start preparing your legal defense strategy.
Responding to Drug Trafficking Charges
When a law enforcement officer places you under arrest for drug trafficking, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and anxious about how this incident will affect your immediate and long-term future. However, before you assume the worst, remember that you have the right to contact an attorney to discuss the specifics of your case and identify the most strategic way to navigate these charges. Although drug trafficking charges carry significant penalties at the federal and state level, such as jail or prison time, steep fines, and other restrictions to your freedom, working with a dedicated and knowledgeable attorney can maximize your chances of obtaining a fair and favorable outcome. In many cases, a highly-skilled drug crimes defense lawyer can deploy strategies that increase the likelihood of a reduction in the severity of the charges, or even the dismissal of the charges altogether. It’s worth reaching out to a seasoned criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible to explore all of your legal options for responding to and navigating the criminal charges you’re facing.
How to Beat Drug Trafficking Charges in Colorado Springs
Before your mind pictures the worst possible outcome, discuss your case with a knowledgeable and experienced Colorado Springs drug crimes defense attorney to better understand your options. Depending on the specifics of your case, you may explore the potential benefits of various legal defense strategies. For instance, your attorney can help you challenge the quality of the prosecution’s evidence to undermine the strength of their allegations. Or, perhaps the arresting officer subjected you to an unlawful search and seizure. If this is the case, the evidence they gathered as a result of this unlawful search may be inadmissible or invalid. Your attorney can determine whether law enforcement violated your Constitutional rights at any point leading up to or during your arrest and, if so, raise these issues with the Court. Another potential defense strategy is providing evidence that shows you had no intention of circulating, selling, or distributing controlled substances. Since the prosecution’s case relies on proving that you knowingly intended to manufacture, circulate, or distribute large quantities of a controlled substance, you can push back against these allegations by arguing that you had no intention of doing so, or that the drug paraphernalia or the drugs themselves were not yours. No matter what the details of your case may be, talk to your highly experienced Colorado Springs attorney as soon as possible about how to get a drug trafficking charge dismissed, the statute of limitations for drug trafficking at the federal and state level, and any other questions you may have.
An arrest for a drug-related offense can trigger criminal charges at the state or federal level. Regardless of the specific circumstances of your case, it’s essential to contact a highly qualified and experienced Colorado Springs criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to ensure that your legal rights remain protected at every turn. Call The Law Offices of Clifton Black, P.C., today at (719) 328-1616 to get started with a dedicated criminal defense lawyer.