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Cybercrime Defense Attorney in Colorado Springs

In our increasingly digitized world, cybercrimes such as computer fraud, identity theft, hacking, and phishing have become prevalent. If you find yourself in the crosshairs of such allegations in the Colorado Springs area, understanding the nuances and ramifications of cybercrime charges could not be more important. At the Law Offices of Clifton Black, we’ll guide you through the intricate details of cybercrime laws in Colorado, emphasizing the essential role a focused Colorado Springs cybercrime attorney can play in safeguarding your digital rights and reputation.

Understanding Cybercrimes 

“Cybercrime” or “Cyber Crimes” refers to various unlawful activities carried out through computers, smartphones, and the internet. In simple terms, it involves using digital devices for criminal purposes. Our experienced legal team can assist you with cases related to:

  • Unauthorized Access: When someone gains entry to a computer, computer system, or network without permission.
  • Altering or Disrupting: Unauthorized modification, interruption, or damage to a computer, system, or network.
  • Fraud and Theft: Cases involving using a computer or smartphone for fraudulent or theft-related activities.
  • Malicious Transmission: Sending online programs, code, data, or commands to cause harm or damage.
  • Ticket Rules Circumvention: Bypassing event ticket acquisition regulations.

In addition to these, our legal services extend to other cybercrimes such as solicitation of minors, child pornography, intellectual property theft, digital copyright infringement, and tackling “phishing” attempts aimed at obtaining confidential financial information.

Colorado’s legal framework regarding internet and computer-related crimes is comprehensive and designed to address the evolving landscape of cybercrimes. If you find yourself under investigation for such offenses, it is imperative to seek counsel from a seasoned Colorado Springs cybercrime attorney.

Are Cybercrimes a Federal Offense?

Cybercrimes, internet crimes, and computer crimes can often transcend state boundaries, bringing them under the purview of federal jurisdiction. This means that offenses such as cyberstalking, hacking, or identity theft may not only lead to state-level prosecution but can also result in federal charges. Convictions in federal cybercrime cases can entail more severe consequences, including federal prison time, substantial fines, and mandatory restitution payments to victims.

Federal agencies like the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), IRS (Internal Revenue Service), and ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) play pivotal roles in investigating these cybercrimes. If any of these federal entities initiate an investigation involving you, it is imperative to seek the counsel of an experienced cybercrime defense attorney. Cases can enter the federal court’s jurisdiction if a national law enforcement agency oversees the investigation or the offense has federal implications.

Colorado’s Computer Crime Statutory Laws

Article 5.5 of Title 18 of the Colorado Revised Statutes is dedicated to computer crimes. This addition to the law reflects the recognition that many crimes, traditionally committed through conventional means, now involve computers and digital systems.

Key Provisions of Colorado’s Computer Crime Laws Include:

  • Unauthorized Access: It is a class 2 misdemeanor to knowingly access a computer, computer network, or computer system without authorization or in excess of authorized access. Subsequent convictions elevate this offense to a class 6 felony.
  • Fraudulent Activities: Using a computer intending to devise or execute a scheme to defraud or access a computer by false or fraudulent pretenses is criminalized.
  • Theft: Accessing any computer, computer network, or computer system to commit theft is a criminal offense.
  • Altering or Damaging: It is a crime to alter, damage, interrupt, or impair the proper functioning of any computer-related entity without authorization or in excess of authorized access.
  • Malicious Transmission: Transmitting computer programs, software, information, code, data, or commands intending to cause damage or interruption is also prohibited.

The severity of penalties varies based on the value of loss, damage, or the cost of restoration or repair caused by these crimes, ranging from class 2 misdemeanors to class 3 felonies.

HB18-1200: Cybercrime Changes

In 2018, Colorado enacted House Bill 18-1200, introducing significant changes in the realm of cybercrime. Notably:

  • The term “computer crime” was updated to “cybercrime” to reflect the evolving nature of digital offenses.
  • The bill criminalized using a computer to solicit, arrange, or offer arrangements for a minor to engage in prostitution.
  • It made stealing information from a credit card magnetic strip or tampering with credit card data a cybercrime, particularly when done with the intent to defraud.
  • The legislation eliminated the class 1 petty offense for cybercrime.

The changes brought about by HB18-1200 represent Colorado’s commitment to addressing cybercrimes in a rapidly changing technological landscape.

Additional Resources for Understanding Cybercrimes in Colorado Springs:

Why Choose Clifton Black for Cybercrimes Defense?

  • Expertise: Our Colorado Springs cybercrime attorneys have decades of experience and offer unmatched defense strategies tailored to your needs.
  • Dedicated to Digital Rights: We are your local, Colorado Springs cybercrime defense attorney, ensuring your online rights are upheld.
  • Guidance Throughout: From understanding charges to building a cybercrime defense, our team supports you the entire time.

At the Law Offices of Clifton Black, PC, we focus on navigating the intricacies of the digital realm. As your cybercrimes attorney, we stand by your side, committed to proving your innocence and providing empathetic support. Call our office today at (719) 328-1616 to schedule a consultation. 

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Unfortunately, we do not offer services for Landlord/Tenant disputes at this time. We invite you to use the Colorado Bar Association's website to find an attorney who can represent you in such matters.

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Facing cybercrime charges in Colorado Springs or Denver? Reach out to the Law Offices of Clifton Black, PC. Speak with a skilled cybercrimes attorney who understands the intricacies of your case.

With decades of experience, we’re dedicated to defending your digital rights. Our team will review every aspect of your situation, ensuring your rights are accurately represented and protected.

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