Type of License: Optional Premises Cultivation, (OPC) Tier 3, and Medical Marijuana Store (MMC).
Located in Central Colorado Springs!
Price: $750,000
Monthly Rent:
Landlord Friendly: Yes
OPC: Tier 3, with the capacity to hold up to 3,000 plants.
Average Flower Plants on Premises: 2,250
Average Veg Plants on Premises: 750
Average Clones on Premises: 300-400
Weight produced per week: 30-50 lbs
Square footage of Building: 11,000 sq. ft
Square footage of Grow: approximately 10,000 sq. ft.
Ceiling height: 9 ft, for both the MMC and OPC.
Electrical: 1,200 AMP and 277 Volt.
HVAC: Rooftop units and mini splits per room.
Employees: 3 employees and 1 manager, who desire to stay on board.
Additional Information: Perpetual harvest weekly with space to operate a Medical Dispensary.